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A new season of Tokyo's best Futsal Community, the NOMADE FUTSAL LEAGUE, is preparing to start on September 26th (Tuesday).
東京屈指のフットサルコミュニティ「NOMADE FUTSAL LEAGUE」の新シーズンが9月26日(火)の開幕に向けて準備を進めている。
Time to gather your members and Register your team, or to Join one of the team already registered in the League.
メンバーを集めてチームを登録するか、すでにリーグに登録されているチームの 1 つに参加します。
The deadline to register a new team is officially September 10th (Sunday), but can be pushed if not all team spots are taken (10 teams). Players can register and join a team anytime during the season, but Captains are recruiting and confirming their members now.
To receive details about fees, or to get in touch and trial with one of the registered team, use the form on the League's page to Contact us.

Marin #10, Edo United. 2022 Nomade Cup Winner. マリン#10、エドユナイテッド。 2022年ノマドカップ優勝者。
A new season and a new, longer format.
We aim to register 10 teams for the coming season. We hope to have all teams from the past seasons returning (8 teams), and welcome 2 new teams.
来シーズンは10チームの登録を目指します。過去のシーズンのすべてのチーム(8 チーム)が戻ってくることを期待しており、新しい 2 チームを歓迎します。
5-a-side Futsal Round-Robin format
Up to 10 teams will be competing in a "home/away" style championship between September 2023 and June 2024.
Cup Tournament
A Futsal Cup Tournament will also take place from the middle of the season and include all teams. Another occasion for teams to put their hands on a Trophy this season.
Futsal Rules and Referees
The rules follow FIFA's Futsal rules with some exceptions to keep the game just a little closer to football (e.g.: goalkeepers are required to kick-in the ball during goal kick, instead of throwing the ball with hands).
Referee roles will mainly be taken by the League Managers, but more referees will certainly be needed during the season. If you're interested in this opportunity, please use the form on the League's page to Contact us.
ルールは FIFA のフットサルルールに準拠していますが、いくつかの例外を除き、ゲームをフットボールに近づけています (例: ゴールキーパーは、ゴールキック中に手でボールを投げるのではなく、ボールを蹴り込む必要があります)。
Schedule and Venues
Usually games are played on either Monday, Tuesday or Thursday nights with a 8PM or 9PM kickoff (1 hour game). Teams can arrive a little earlier to change and warm-up.
Most games take place in Setagaya (Hachiman-Yama) however we may use other venues in Central Tokyo if an opportunity of booking becomes available to us.
通常、試合は月曜日、火曜日、または木曜日の夜に午後 8 時または午後 9 時にキックオフ (1 時間試合) で行われます。チームは着替えやウォーミングアップのために少し早めに到着することができます。
Teams usually play 1 game a week outside of International Schools' vacations. And the game schedule is given about 2 weeks in advance.
チームは通常、インターナショナル スクールの休暇以外に週に 1 試合を行います。そして、試合スケジュールは約2週間前に通知されます。
Our Champions and Cup Winners. 私たちのチャンピオンとカップ優勝者。
Original Concept of Futsal in Tokyo
We are trying to take your Futsal experience in Tokyo to the next level. Tokyo's vibrant gaming culture and the city electric vibe have given us the inspiration and motivation to create what other League have been thinking of but have never done: mixing the real game and the video games.
By collecting and using games' data, we create a set of medals to unlock (think of Medal of Honor) and players cards with stats and ratings updated games after games (think of FIFA Ultimate Team). The card's design of course varies depending on the card's strength.
ゲームのデータを収集して使用することで、ロックを解除するためのメダルのセット (メダル オブ オナーを思い浮かべてください) と、試合後に更新される統計と評価を含む選手カード (FIFA Ultimate Team を思い浮かべてください) を作成します。もちろんカードの強さに応じてカードのデザインも変わります。

Nomade Futsal League's Best Players Cards (last updated at the end of the Spring Season 2023). Nomade フットサル リーグのベスト プレーヤー カード (最終更新は 2023 年スプリング シーズンの終わり)。
With the rise of digital trading card games among new and younger generations of football enthusiasts, we - the older generation - became nostalgic of the time we too collected players cards from the store and sticked them in our Panini books.
新しい世代や若い世代のサッカー愛好家の間でデジタル トレーディング カード ゲームが台頭するにつれ、私たち古い世代も、店で選手カードを集めてパニーニの本に貼り付けていた頃を懐かしむようになりました。
Of course, data collected are still minimal and limited for players, but the rating system developed so far allows a fair and good representation of each player's level and performance. The good news is, new technological tools could improve it in the future.
Explore the medals and players cards from the past season.
Enjoy Futsal in Tokyo and join us
Register your team, or Join one of the team already registered in the League now.
To receive details about fees, or to get in touch and trial with one of the registered team, use the form on the League's page to Contact us.
料金に関する詳細を受け取る場合、または登録チームのいずれかに連絡してトライアルを希望する場合は、リーグのページにあるフォームを使用して問い合わせてください。 We are looking forward to an electric new Futsal season in Tokyo!
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